Hannah's Commissions

You can contact me on whichever platform you navigated here from or through my email:
[email protected]
to request a slot and discuss a commission, or ask any further questions!

Slot Status

1. Filled / Complete!
2. Filled / In Progress!
3. Open / Accepting!
4. Open / Accepting!

I have four slots open at a time, and will not accept new work until all four are completed. I might take breaks between rounds, and not open them up straight away after. There is no official wait list, but if you contact me while the slots are filled I will reach out to let you know when they reopen. Please be patient!

Bust Portraits

Head and usually a little bit of shoulders, maybe even a little chest. Feel free to suggest the amount of shoulder presence lol$10 per character
• Includes details like jewelry and skin details that would be visible (earrings, necklaces, tattoos, birth marks, scars, etc.)
• If you want any suggestion of clothing please include that information because otherwise you might not get it (The focus here is the face!)

(Click to view in full!)

Twice is Nice Mini Bundle

If you wanted two busts of the same character, for instance with different hairstyles and/or makeup, or maybe before and after physical changes, you can bogo half off!$15 per bundle/character
• Includes details like jewelry and skin details that would be visible (earrings, necklaces, tattoos, birth marks, scars, etc.)

Half Body

Arms and torsos and waists, oh my!$15 per character
• Can be stand-alone or posed together
• Requires you to at least vaguely give me an idea of how they dress (Pinterest boards are acceptable!)
• Anything they could have on their body is fair game to be included (bags, weapons, jewelry, etc.) but extra complex designs may be subject to additional fees - especially if I'm asked to design weapons.

(Click to view in full!)

Full Body

Your kiddo(s), head to toe(s).$20 per character
• Can be stand-alone or posed together. (If posing multiple characters together, please give me their heights)
• Requires you to at least vaguely give me an idea of how they dress (Pinterest boards are acceptable!)
• Anything they could have on their body is fair game to be included (bags, weapons, shoes, jewelry, etc.) but extra complex designs may be subject to additional fees - especially if I'm asked to design weapons

(Click to view in full!)

Design Sheet Mini Bundle

1 full body + 1 bust of the same character, in the style of a character design page$25 per character
• Requires you to at least vaguely give me an idea of how they dress (Pinterest boards are acceptable!)
• Anything they could have on their body is fair game to be included (bags, weapons, shoes, jewelry, etc.) but extra complex designs may be subject to additional fees - especially if I'm asked to design weapons.
• If you want any suggestion of clothing on the bust, include that information because otherwise you might not get it (The focus here is the face!)


  • All prices listed are USD! and I can currently only accept payments through paypal, sorry for any inconvenience!

  • I can accept or refuse any commission for any reason.

  • Characters(s) and price will be agreed on before I start work, and thereafter cannot be changed.

  • Once the work is done, I will provide a cropped and/or watermarked version of the completed commission as a proof for payment, along with the necessary payment information. Once I have the payment, I will then provide the finished image in entirety.

  • Once I have the payment and you have the art, it's yours to post and/or use as you please, barring commercial reproduction (e.g. no reselling it, or using it in/on something you sell*) and provided attribution is listed with it (you can repost it and/or use it for header/profile pic/etc. as long as there's credit.) You can give a credit name as "cannibalhannah" "hanthology" or just Hannah, and link to this carrd page, my twitter, and/or my twitch.

  • * If you do want something for a project you will be selling, (e.g. a book cover, pin or sticker design) we need to talk more about it as it effects both price and process.

F.A.Q. & Modified Requests

  • My style isn't a perfectly clean style and I don't do that ultra-neat lineart look. I promise to keep the chaos to a minimum (unless you want more chaos) but please know going in that the occasional extra lines and texture are there on purpose, and part of the art. This varies! And while detailing you can indicate any of the examples on this page as your preferred level of lineart.

  • I am okay with drawing some/partial nudity. I am on the fence about nsfw content, we can discuss it. Kissing & hugging & snuggling is fine.

  • I am okay with drawing gore, blood and cuts and bruises etc. I'm sure there is a line for me somewhere but I don't currently know where.

  • I'm not very practiced with rendering environment work (e.g. rooms and settings) and so we can talk about a background but please know it's going to add a lot of time to how long the pieces takes me and is subject to additional fees, depending on the complexity.

  • Any of the listed options can come with a simple background —such as watercolor-wash or a gradient or lighting effects or simple graphic elements— or as a png with transparent background! (Or both!) All of the examples above this section have 'simple' backgrounds. Simple backgrounds are no additional charge.

  • Any of the listed options can come as a simple pencil-styled sketch, with hatching/shading and no color, but the color is included in the price already! I'll assume color unless requested otherwise (because coloring is my favorite part!)

  • If you're looking for a style/category that doesn't quite fall into what I have listed, you can still ask me? As said above, backgrounds/environments are not my strong suit and I don't want to sell you something I am not confident in, that said, I'm flexible on this point!

  • Prices fluctuate with changes/additions but only while we're planning things out. Once we agree on a price it's set, I won't change it as I work!

You can contact me on whichever platform you navigated here from or through my email:
[email protected]
to request a slot and discuss a commission, or ask any further questions!

Thank you for visiting!

Browse more examples! (Click to view in full!)
Prices shown are example only, as these are mostly personal projects.